Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Windows DOS Commands

In the last two classes we have been playing around with command line on windows. We learned a few useful commands:

dirlist out files
cdshow current working directory
cd [path]change to [path] directory
clsclear screen
copy [old] [new]
copies the old file to new
del [file]deletes the file
move [old] [new]
moves the old file to new
treeshows the tree of the current directory
mdcreates new directory
mkdircreates new directory
rmdir [dir]deletes directory dir
helplists help information
type [file]outputs file contents to screen
date /toutputs date to screen
time /toutputs time to screen
netstatgives us network connection information
netstat -an
-a: all connections -n: IP addresses
netstat -rn
-r: routing information
ipconfig /all
gives us network information

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