Monday, December 15, 2008

Unwiped devices and drives

Always wipe your devices/drives before selling them. The McCain campaign found this out the hardway.

Some people may never find out what they've released.

Implications of the Myspace Suicide case

Robert Graham raises some interesting points about the Myspace bullying/suicide case. He suggests that sometimes our personal views can cloud our judgment, leading to a bending of the law. Consider if he might be right. Accounts of jury reactions are noted elsewhere.

When reading about this case, try to think if the punishment achieves one of the four goals and consider the aftermath and what it might mean for you in the future.

Doppleganger (again)

Related to a previous post on this subject, some might suggest that you're nobody unless someone is faking you

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Linux vs Windows DOS commands

Here is a comparison between Windows DOS and Linux commands:
Windows DOSLinux/Cygwin
cd [path](same)
copy [old] [new]cp [new] [old]
del [file]rm [file]
move [old] [new]mv [old] [new]
treetree (Linux only)
ls -R
mkdir [dir](same)
rmdir [dir](same)
help [cmd]man [cmd]
type [file]cat [file]
date /t(same without /t)
time /tdate
netstat -an(same Linux only)
netstat -rn(same Linux only)
ipconfig /allifconfig -a
(Linux only)

For more information on Linux commands check out this tutorial or this tutorial (scroll past the ssh stuff).

Windows DOS Commands

In the last two classes we have been playing around with command line on windows. We learned a few useful commands:

dirlist out files
cdshow current working directory
cd [path]change to [path] directory
clsclear screen
copy [old] [new]
copies the old file to new
del [file]deletes the file
move [old] [new]
moves the old file to new
treeshows the tree of the current directory
mdcreates new directory
mkdircreates new directory
rmdir [dir]deletes directory dir
helplists help information
type [file]outputs file contents to screen
date /toutputs date to screen
time /toutputs time to screen
netstatgives us network connection information
netstat -an
-a: all connections -n: IP addresses
netstat -rn
-r: routing information
ipconfig /all
gives us network information

Cygwin Installation

For class we used Cygwin which is a Linux-like environment for windows. Since most of you have Windows machines, this will allow you run tools that normally run under Linux/Unix environments.

The setup file is here.

When you download setup, double click it. You should see the following:

Press ``Next'' and choose ``Install from the Internet'' :

Choose where to install Cygwin (by default it is in C:\Cygwin):

Cygwin will create a directory in which it will store the its files during installation. After installation you can delete the folder. The default location is the desktop:

Select your internet connection. The default is OK:

Select a mirror ( is good):

Press ``Next'' You should see the following:

Next you will see a list of packages you can download. By default these are organized by category:

If you press the plus signs on the left hand side, it will open up the category and you can select specific packages:

Here is a list of packages you need organized by category:

    From the Base category
  1. Everything
    From the Devel category
  1. Gcc: C, C++, Fortran compilers
  2. gcc-mingw: Mingw32 support headers and libraries for GCC
  3. gcc2: Version X.XX.X [whatever is latest] of C, C++, Fortran compilers
  4. gdb: The GNU Debugger
  5. make: The GNU version of the `make' utility
  6. mingw-runtime: MinGW Runtime
  7. openssl-devel: The OpenSSL development environment
    From the Editors category
  1. Nano: A pico clone text editor with extensions [works like pico]
  2. vim: Vi Improved – enhanced vi editor
    From the Interpreters category
  1. Perl
  2. Python
    From the Utils category
  1. until-linux: Random collection of Linux utilities
  2. file
  3. ELFIO
    From the Text category
  1. less: A file pager program, similar to more(1)

After you have made your selections, press next for installation to begin. This part is the actual installation, and may take some time. Just let it finish. After it finishes you will be asked if you want to create shortcuts on the desktop. Make sure to click Finish.

Running Cygwin

When you run Cygwin for the first time, it might take a little longer to start up. This is because it is configuring
a few more files for your environment. Then you should get a command line prompt that looks like:

You are now able to work on your programs at home on your windows machines.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Memory Images

Here's an XP memory image.

Edit 12/3/08: Here are some more XP images

Full Screen

To make it easier for you to sort through the output of Volatility I've written a little perl script to create an html report of running processes, open files and dlls.

This is not finished as there is more information that I would like to correlate from the output of Volatility. But if you are somewhat curious, this is what I have so far: You can see an example report here. The output files for this report and the perl script are bundled together here. There is minimal error checking.

To use, first redirect the output of Volatility for pslist, dlllist and files to text files:

./volatility pslist -f mem.dd > pslist.txt
./volatility files -f mem.dd >files.txt
./volatility dlllist -f mem.dd >dlllist.txt

Then feed the perl script these files:

./ -pslist pslist.txt \
-files files.txt -dlllist dlllist.txt

Monday, December 1, 2008


Here is a (short) list of free tools:

Memory dumpers:



Network Connections:


Various other resource information:




Cygwin Linux emulator for windows

Volatility (XP only)

PtFinder (2000/XP/Vista)

Additional (not needed if Cygwin is installed):



Security Breaches

We've come to this topic in our class. So here are some links that should be useful for your notes:

What To Do if Compromised - Visa (pdf)

The Breach Blog (information about recent incidents)

IR Preparedness

Changing the Face of IR

Let the Class Action Suit Begin

MIT Boston Transit Talk

Last week we had discussed this talk and I said I would post a link. Make sure to check out the slides.

Article about this talk's cancellation
