Sunday, September 14, 2008

Viruses (or virii) - Part 1

Today we will discuss viruses (or virii if you are pretentious enough to keep with true Latin grammar).

Viruses are not complete programs. They must reside in a host program in order to function and need human intervention in order to execute. Viruses can reside in any file, but are only affective if they are within a file that can be executed.

There are two types of executable files on Windows systems:
  • COM
    files that end in the COM extension which are relics of the old CP/M OS
  • EXE
    files ending in EXE extension. Also includes PE (Portable Extendable) format (.SYS, .DLL, .OCX, .CPL, .SCR)

Companion Infection Technique

The virus may masquerade as a known program such as cmd or notepad and may use a different extension than the traditional program or may use a misspelled variation of the traditional program name. Since the virus needs to be executed in order to be affective, a program masquerading as a legitimate one could fool the user into executing it.

As we know we can run programs by going to Start->Run and typing the name of the program we want to run without the extension:

So if there is a program that contains the name written in the Run box above in the Windows path, it will execute. So we could see how easy it would be for a program with a name like notpad.exe (notice that the e is missing) to execute when the user mistakenly mistypes notepad in the Run box.

Another interesting thing about Windows is that .COM files are executed before .EXE files. It may be because the files come first alphabetically, or it may be due to the configuration of Windows. Either way, an attacker can use this to his/her advantage by creating an executable with a .COM extension and placing it in the same folder as the original executable. We will do that now.

In this example a program will be written in Visual Basic which you can get for free here. All it will do is flash a couple of message boxes and then run the real application. Here is the code:

After we compile the code and obtain the executable, we will set the property to ``hidden'' and rename the extension to .com:

The new program is then copied into the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Since it is a hidden file, it will not show up when you do a directory listing:

Now if we try to run notepad by using Start->Run we will get the following execution before notepad launches for real:

Now we see just how close we were to potential catastrophe. Most viruses will run without you knowing that they have executed and will run the program that was requested so that the user will not suspect anything. Viruses often multiply by writing themselves into other files that will be sent to other potential victims or executed later.

Other Virus Methods

A virus can also completely overwrite the host file, thereby replacing the original file with itself. Obviously this could alert the user, since previously working programs will no longer work.

A virus may also prepend (put itself at the beginning of the file) or append itself to a host file.

Viruses can also infect document files (Word Documents, Excel Documents etc) to activate when opening, closing or doing various other tasks. We will look at a document example later.

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