Monday, September 22, 2008


We learned about networks in the last class and we learned about the following terms:

IP (internet protocol) address
NIC (network interface card)
MAC (Media Access Control) address
DNS (Domain Name System)

We also learned about different internet protocols:
IP (Internet Protocol)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS (The secure HyperText Transfer Protocol)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
As well as a few others.

We also talked about a few applications that can be used to watch the network:

Etherape, shown below can allow you to see the traffic on your network. Unfortunately for most of you, it only installs under Linux and Mac OS/X:

Etherape Fullscreen

Wireshark is a packet analyzer that you can use to see the packets of information coming in and out of your computer. It easily installs under Windows and Linux. Here we are using it to get the password and username from a fake myspace account:

Wireshark Fullscreen

Here is a video of ping and traceroute commands:

Ping/Traceroute Fullscreen

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