Monday, December 15, 2008

Unwiped devices and drives

Always wipe your devices/drives before selling them. The McCain campaign found this out the hardway.

Some people may never find out what they've released.

Implications of the Myspace Suicide case

Robert Graham raises some interesting points about the Myspace bullying/suicide case. He suggests that sometimes our personal views can cloud our judgment, leading to a bending of the law. Consider if he might be right. Accounts of jury reactions are noted elsewhere.

When reading about this case, try to think if the punishment achieves one of the four goals and consider the aftermath and what it might mean for you in the future.

Doppleganger (again)

Related to a previous post on this subject, some might suggest that you're nobody unless someone is faking you

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Linux vs Windows DOS commands

Here is a comparison between Windows DOS and Linux commands:
Windows DOSLinux/Cygwin
cd [path](same)
copy [old] [new]cp [new] [old]
del [file]rm [file]
move [old] [new]mv [old] [new]
treetree (Linux only)
ls -R
mkdir [dir](same)
rmdir [dir](same)
help [cmd]man [cmd]
type [file]cat [file]
date /t(same without /t)
time /tdate
netstat -an(same Linux only)
netstat -rn(same Linux only)
ipconfig /allifconfig -a
(Linux only)

For more information on Linux commands check out this tutorial or this tutorial (scroll past the ssh stuff).